S.M.A.R.T GOALS 2021

Its a new year and a new time to start reaching for your goals. Lets start making some S.M.A.R.T goals and getting to where you want to be in a week, month and year.

S.M.A.R.T Goals

S - Specific - Be Specific in the goal you want to achieve. Saying you want to “lose weight” is to broad and you will most likely be unsuccessful. Maybe the goal is “Lose 3 pounds in a month” Much more specific and focused driven. Being Specific will help obtain your goal.

M - Measurable - Make sure you can keep track of that goal. Having a chart, calendar or anything you use to make sure that you are keeping track and staying on track to your goals.

A - Attainable - Make sure your goal challenges you but remains possible. If they goal is not possible, you will most likely give up and not find the motivation to complete your goals.

R - Relevant - Lets make sure that your goal is inline with your values and your long term goal.

T - Time Based - Make sure your goal has a deadline. Having a goal that you will complete “someday” will never be achieved. That deadline will hold you more accountable and make you more successful.

Lastly - Reevaluate: Once your goal deadlines are complete, re evaluate your goals. Was that goal attainable? Did I complete that goals? Why didn’t I complete that goal or was that goal to easy?

Once you look over your goals, create new goals that keep you focused and driven to be successful towards your long term goal.

Overall, Lets create those goals, achieve new heights and lets make it happen!

You got this!

Scott Walecki, PGA